What have I been up to? | 2nd half 2022

New Job | August 2022 | Technical Account Manager (TAM)
On August 1, 2022 I became an employee of VMware as a Technical Account Manager, TAM.
I was hired to be a TAM with a focus on the vRealize Suite. Within a month of my hire date VMware announced VMware Aria. So now I am a TAM with a focus on the VMware Aria Product.
To work for VMware was a career goal of mine. I was always impressed by the VMware employees that I worked with the past 10+ years. Everyone was always very professional and had a great attitude to help their customers. I wanted to know personally what it was like to work in that type of culture. If you know me you know that I have a passion for the VMware Aria suite of Products. So to be a TAM with a focus on Aria is a good fit for me.
After several months at VMware, this is what I learned.
- The culture overall is very positive. A lot of people helped me in my on-boarding and wanted to see me be successful. People that I knew before I joined VMware reached out to me and said “What can I do to help you”.
- The employee benefits are the best that I ever had in my career so far.
- You get to do a lot of training to keep your skills up to date and at a level the customers expect.
- The on-boarding process can take days, weeks, months…
- To get started I received a laptop of my choice 3 days before my start date. Never experienced that before.
- Having a Mentor at VMware is very important. Someone that wants to help you be successful and will take the time to show you how to do your job, recommend training, help you pick benefits, let you know about different programs to get involved with, let you know about weekly zoom training sessions, help you get a lab setup, etc…
- VMware wants all employees to give back by making donations to non-profits, 100% match by VMware.
- VMware wants all employees to donate time to non-profits.
Special thanks to some people that went above and beyond when I started at VMware to help me, in no particular order:
Marshall Cline, Ariel Sanchez, Brock Peterson, Cosmin Trif, Christopher Kusek, Anton Wesztergom, Alex Musicante, Chad Thomas, David Kruse, Steve Lieberson, Paul Schlosser, Christina Griffus and some I may have missed.
Now that I am getting more engaged with the customers that I will be working with, I plan to start blogging more again to continue giving back to the vCommunity. Share the knowledge!
If anyone that reads my blogs would ever want to talk to me about being a VMware employee, please reach out to me. I will share my experience 1:1.
Another area that I want to give back to the vCommunity is to help Mentor others. If anyone wants to ever talk, please reach out.
- If you like wearing Crocs and want to get a pair like I wear, follow this link to Amazon: My Favorite Crocs
- If you found this Blog article useful and it helped you, Buy me a coffee to start my day.