Hugo | Static Site Generator

Static Site Generator
I have reviewed and tried a lot of different ways to create a personal Blog so that I can share Code, Knowledge, Pictures and do Reviews. After spending some time with Hugo it has become the framework that I have liked the most. The Theme “Hugo Future Imperfect” is also the Hugo Theme that I have liked the most.
Some of the ways I have reviewed creating a Blog require a monthly fee to host the web site for you. I am using Github to host the web site where there is no monthly cost. I like how you can add Google Analytics code to all the pages within a Hugo Site. To add Google Analytics all you have to do is edit one line within the config.toml file.
To create the content for the Blog I use Visual Studio Code to edit the files. I have been reviewing Forestry CMS to edit and create the pages.
To create the web pages Hugo is so FAST! It is the fastest file creation framework that I reviewed. Is is also very easy to use.
One of the main items I wanted a Blog site for, is to share code I create. I could just create a Public Github repository, but that just isn’t as pleasing to the eyes as a personal Blog can be.
The first person I know that created a Hugo site is AdminWillie. I met him at the Central PA VMUG meetings and I also started attending the Blair County Little Hacks that he organizes. A great example of the vCommunity sharing ideas.
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