The real power of innovation comes not from the tools we use, but from the mindset we bring. Think outside the box, and any type of computer can become the key to endless possibilities.
Let’s get Started:
Ready to dive into automation? Excellent choice!
Planning to automate on a Mac, Linux, or Windows? Fantastic!
I love that VMware PowerCLI is built as a PowerShell module, making automation seamless across Mac, Linux, and Windows. Since VMware is my primary focus for automation, PowerShell is my go-to tool—thanks to PowerCLI. So far in my Automation journey, there hasn’t been a process I couldn’t automate with PowerShell.
For 2025, I’ve been invited to be a VMware Community {code} Coach! This year, my blogs will feature even more code examples to help others get started with automation, VMware solutions, and much more…
In my home lab, I needed a quick and easy way to power on and off my VMs. Some VMs I want to shut down every evening and start up again each morning—not just to save electricity, but also to give my MS-01s a bit of a break. In this blog, I’ll share the scripts I created to automate this process.
I have a VCF environment running in my lab on a nested ESXi host, (See my Blog to create an VCF in your lab with a script). My goal is to log into the ESXi host, gracefully shut down all VCF VMs, then log into vCenter to shut down the nested ESXi host. To ensure a clean shutdown, I’ve added logic to verify that all VMs are powered off before proceeding to the next steps. In this blog, I’ll share the code I use to automate this process.
################################################ PowerShell Script for Shutting Down VMs# Author: Dale Hassinger# Description: This script shuts down specific VMs on an ESXi host and vCenter.# It also ensures proper logging and handles connections cleanly.################################################ ------------ Configuration Section ------------# ESXi connection parameters$ESXiHost=""$ESXiUser="root"$ESXiPassword="VMware1!"# vCenter connection parameters$vCenterServer=""$vCenterUser="administrator@vcrocs.local"$vCenterPassword="VMware1!"# Log file location$logFile="/home/administrator/power-off.log"# VMs to shut down on ESXi$VMsToShutdown=@("vcf-m01-sddcm01","vcf-m01-vc01","vcf-m01-nsx01a")# VM to shut down on vCenter (Nested ESXi)$VMToShutdown="VCF-DDC-ESX179"# ------------ Log Function ------------# Function to write log messages with timestampsfunctionWrite-Log{param([string]$Message)$LogDate="[ "+(Get-Date).ToString("MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss")+" ] - "$Output=$LogDate+$MessageWrite-Host$OutputAdd-Content-Path$logFile-Value$Output}# ------------ Log File Setup ------------# Remove existing log file if it existsif(Test-Path$logFile){Remove-Item-Path$logFile-Force}# Create a new empty log fileNew-Item-Path$logFile-ItemTypeFile-Force|Out-Null# ------------ Connect to vCenter ------------Write-Log"Connecting to vCenter..."$vCenterConnection=Connect-VIServer-Server$vCenterServer-User$vCenterUser-Password$vCenterPassword-Force-Protocolhttps# Check if the nested ESXi host is runningWrite-Log"Checking if nested ESXi Host $VMToShutdown is running..."$vm=Get-VM-Name$VMToShutdown-ErrorActionSilentlyContinueif($vm-and$vm.PowerState-eq"PoweredOn"){Write-Log"Host is running. Connecting..."$vCenterConnection=Connect-VIServer-Server$ESXiHost-User$ESXiUser-Password$ESXiPassword-Force-ProtocolhttpsWrite-Log"Connected to Host $ESXiHost."}else{Write-Log"Host is not running. Exiting script."Disconnect-VIServer-Server*-Confirm:$falseexit}# ------------ Shutdown VMs on ESXi ------------foreach($vmNamein$VMsToShutdown){$vm=Get-VM-Name$vmName-ErrorActionSilentlyContinueif($vm-and$vm.PowerState-eq"PoweredOn"){Write-Log"Shutting down VM: $vmName"$shutdownVM=Shutdown-VMGuest-VM$vm-Confirm:$false# Wait for VM to fully shut downWrite-Log"Waiting for VM $vmName to fully shut down..."do{Start-Sleep-Seconds5$vm=Get-VM-Name$vmName-ErrorActionSilentlyContinue}while($vm-and$vm.PowerState-ne"PoweredOff")Write-Log"VM $vmName is now fully shut down."}else{Write-Log"VM $vmName is already powered off or not found."}}# Disconnect from ESXi hostWrite-Log"Disconnecting from ESXi host..."Disconnect-VIServer-Server$ESXiHost-Confirm:$falseWrite-Log"Disconnected from ESXi host."# ------------ Shutdown Nested Host on vCenter ------------Write-Log"Shutting down VM: $VMToShutdown on vCenter"$vm=Get-VM-Name$VMToShutdown-ErrorActionSilentlyContinueif($vm-and$vm.PowerState-eq"PoweredOn"){$shutdownVM=Shutdown-VMGuest-VM$vm-Confirm:$false# Wait for VM to fully shut downWrite-Log"Waiting for VM $VMToShutdown to fully shut down..."do{Start-Sleep-Seconds5$vm=Get-VM-Name$VMToShutdown-ErrorActionSilentlyContinue}while($vm-and$vm.PowerState-ne"PoweredOff")Write-Log"VM $VMToShutdown is now fully shut down."}else{Write-Log"VM $VMToShutdown is already powered off or not found."}# ------------ Cleanup and Disconnect --------------------Write-Log"Disconnecting from vCenter..."Disconnect-VIServer-Server*-Confirm:$falseWrite-Log"Disconnected from vCenter."Write-Log"Script execution completed."
################################################ PowerShell Script for Powering On VMs# Author: Dale Hassinger# Description: This script starts specific VMs on an ESXi host and vCenter.# It also ensures proper logging and handles connections cleanly.################################################ ------------ Configuration Section ------------# vCenter connection parameters$vCenterServer=""$vCenterUser="administrator@vcrocs.local"$vCenterPassword="VMware1!"# ESXi connection parameters$ESXiHost=""$ESXiUser="root"$ESXiPassword="VMware1!"# Log file location$logFile="/home/administrator/power-on.log"# VMs to start on ESXi$VMsToStart=@("vcf-m01-sddcm01","vcf-m01-vc01","vcf-m01-nsx01a")# VM to start on vCenter$VMToStart="VCF-DDC-ESX179"# ------------ Log Function ------------# Function to write log messages with timestampsfunctionWrite-Log{param([string]$Message)$LogDate="[ "+(Get-Date).ToString("MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss")+" ] - "$Output=$LogDate+$MessageWrite-Host$OutputAdd-Content-Path$logFile-Value$Output}# ------------ Log File Setup ------------# Remove existing log file if it existsif(Test-Path$logFile){Remove-Item-Path$logFile-Force}# Create a new empty log fileNew-Item-Path$logFile-ItemTypeFile-Force|Out-Null# ------------ Connect to vCenter ------------Write-Log"Connecting to vCenter..."$vcenterConnection=Connect-VIServer-Server$vCenterServer-User$vCenterUser-Password$vCenterPassword-Force-Protocolhttps# Check if VM is powered off before starting$vm=Get-VM-Name$VMToStart-ErrorActionSilentlyContinueif($vm-and$vm.PowerState-ne"PoweredOn"){Write-Log"Starting VM: $VMToStart"$startVM=Start-VM-VM$VMToStart-Confirm:$false# Wait for VM to be fully powered onWrite-Log"Waiting for VM to fully power on..."do{Start-Sleep-Seconds5$vm=Get-VM-Name$VMToStart-ErrorActionSilentlyContinue}while($vm-and$vm.PowerState-ne"PoweredOn")Write-Log"VM $VMToStart is now fully powered on."}else{Write-Log"VM $VMToStart is already powered on or not found."}# Disconnect from vCenterWrite-Log"Disconnecting from vCenter..."Disconnect-VIServer-Server*-Confirm:$falseWrite-Log"Disconnected from vCenter."# Wait for Nested ESXi host to startWrite-Log"Waiting 2 minutes for Nested host to start..."Start-Sleep-Seconds120# ------------ Connect to ESXi Host ------------Write-Log"Connecting to ESXi host $ESXiHost..."$vcenterConnection=Connect-VIServer-Server$ESXiHost-User$ESXiUser-Password$ESXiPassword-Force-ProtocolhttpsWrite-Log"Connected to ESXi host $ESXiHost."# Start the VMs one at a time and wait until each is running before proceedingforeach($vmNamein$VMsToStart){$vm=Get-VM-Name$vmName-ErrorActionSilentlyContinueif($vm-and$vm.PowerState-ne"PoweredOn"){Write-Log"Starting VM: $vmName"$startVM=Start-VM-VM$vmName-Confirm:$false# Wait for VM to be fully powered onWrite-Log"Waiting for VM $vmName to fully power on..."do{Start-Sleep-Seconds5$vm=Get-VM-Name$vmName-ErrorActionSilentlyContinue}while($vm-and$vm.PowerState-ne"PoweredOn")Write-Log"VM $vmName is now fully powered on."}else{Write-Log"VM $vmName is already powered on or not found."}}# ------------ Cleanup and Disconnect ------------Write-Log"Disconnecting from ESXi host..."Disconnect-VIServer-Server$ESXiHost-Confirm:$falseWrite-Log"Disconnected from ESXi host."Write-Log"Script execution completed."
A screenshot of the nested ESXi host within vCenter to illustrate what the script will power on and off:
Click to see Larger Image of Screen Shot
A screenshot of the nested ESXi host VCF VMs to illustrate what the script will power on and off:
Click to see Larger Image of Screen Shot
To automate tasks in my lab, I use a Rocky Linux VM with PowerShell installed. I’ve set up cron jobs to execute my PowerShell scripts on a schedule. Here are some details on how I configured these cron jobs to streamline automation.
A great resource for setting up cron jobs properly? ChatGPT! It’s a handy tool for troubleshooting and getting the syntax just right.
Proper format to run PowerShell Scripts with a cron job.
Click arrow to expand the cron job code:
# Power On VCF Lab @ 5:00 am everyday05 * * * /usr/bin/pwsh /home/administrator/power-on.ps1 >> /home/administrator/power-on.log 2>&1# Power Off VCF Lab @ 11:59 pm everyday5911 * * * /usr/bin/pwsh /home/administrator/power-off.ps1 >> /home/administrator/power-off.log 2>&1# cron format for day/time* * * * * command_to_run
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ └── Day of the week (0-7, Sunday=0 or 7)│ │ │ └──── Month (1-12)│ │ └────── Day of the month (1-31)│ └──────── Hour (0-23)└────────── Minute (0-59)
Automating VM power on and off helps ensure consistency in your workflows.
All the scripts in this blog were created and tested on a Mac using PowerShell.
In the lab, the scripts are scheduled and executed on a Rocky Linux VM with PowerShell installed.
Don’t dismiss PowerShell just because it was created by Microsoft. Embrace it to enhance your automation journey!
vCROCS Deep Dive Podcast
I created a Google NotebookLM Podcast based on the content of this blog. While it may not be entirely accurate, is any podcast ever 100% perfect, even when real people are speaking? Take a moment to listen and share your thoughts with me!
In my blogs, I often emphasize that there are multiple methods to achieve the same objective. This article presents just one of the many ways you can tackle this task. I’ve shared what I believe to be an effective approach for this particular use case, but keep in mind that every organization and environment varies. There’s no definitive right or wrong way to accomplish the tasks discussed in this article.
Always test new setups and processes, like those discussed in this blog, in a lab environment before implementing them in a production environment.
Tips and Tricks
If you found this blog article helpful and it assisted you, consider buying me a coffee to kickstart my day.