Productive APPs | 2022

APPs that I use everyday to be Productive | 2022
If you have any APPs that you like better than I have listed please send them my way. I am always open to looking at new APPs. If you would ever want to see how I use these APPs reach out! I can do a demo.
Recent APPs
Here are some APPs that I started using recently to be productive:
Recent APPs:
Proven APPs
Here are some APPs that I have been using Daily for work or Blogging for awhile. They have proven their place in my workflows:
Proven APPs:
- Visual Studio Code | Creating Code
- Github Desktop
- Affinity Photo | Photo editing
- VMware Fusion
- Termius | SSH Client
- Forklift | SFTP Client
- Slack
- Zoom | Online Meetings, Chat, etc…
- Hugo | The world’s fastest framework for building websites
- Microsoft Teams | Online Meetings, Chat, etc…
- Microsoft Office | Word, Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint, OneNote
- Backblaze | Online Backup to keep all my important files offsite.
- Dashlane | Password Manager
- BetterSnapTool | easily manage your window positions
- | All-in-one bookmark manager
- If you found this Blog article useful and it helped you, Buy me a coffee to start my day.