Unlocking the Potential | VMware Aria Operations | October 2023 PowerBlock

Unlocking the Power of VMware Aria Operations: A Comprehensive Guide
A Comprehensive Guide:
Christopher Kusek and I teamed up to create this PowerBlock video, aimed at showcasing some of the new VMware Aria Operations features that have been in high demand among customers. In this video, we’ll be sharing valuable VMware Aria Operations Tips and Tricks.
Our PowerBlock Agenda was inspired by conversations with VMware customers. When they expressed their surprise by saying, ‘We didn’t know you could do that,’ we recognized the need to create this PowerBlock to share our insights with the vCommunity.
We invite you to take a moment to watch the video, as we’re confident you’ll discover some insightful new tips and tricks to enhance your VMware Aria experience.
Video Content:
- Learn how to set a home Dashboard and give some examples
- Learn about text display Widget use cases like VMware Cloud Services Status, Zoom Status, Weather
- Learn how Automation Central can cleanup Snaps and skip VMs if a specific vCenter TAG is added to VM, reboot VMs, Power on/off Cloud Native VMs
- Learn how to change “Snapshot Age older than” value in Automation Central
- Learn how a single Dashboard can monitor vCenter and Cloud Native VMs
- Learn about View Usage
YouTube Video:
Thank You:
- I want to extend my gratitude to Christopher Kusek for inviting me to collaborate on this video, which we are excited to share on his YouTube channel.
- Christopher has been a mentor to me from the moment I stepped into VMware. In my very first week at the company, even before we became colleagues on the same team, Christopher reached out to me and initiated a Zoom session. He expressed his genuine commitment to ensuring my success at VMware and offered valuable insights and guidance. Now that we’re both part of the same team, Christopher’s support continues to be an asset in my daily journey. Throughout one’s career, there are individuals who leave a lasting impact, and Christopher Kusek has played that role in mine. I will forever appreciate his guidance and cherish the friendship we’ve built.
- In this video, I’d like to acknowledge that some of the knowledge I’m sharing today was by fellow members of my team. We have a Slack channel where mutual support is a way of life. The culture within my team is nothing short of remarkable; it’s the most collaborative environment I’ve ever been a part of. Here, everyone is genuinely invested in each other’s success, always ready to extend a helping hand.
- I want to express my gratitude to Ron Singler and Aaron Dunbrow for recognizing my passion for the VMware Aria Suite of Products and extending me the opportunity to join the exceptional team at VMware. Being a part of this team as a Senior Cloud Solutions Architect has been an incredibly rewarding journey.
- If you found this Blog article useful and it helped you, Buy me a coffee to start my day.