
vExpert 2023 | vExpert Cloud Management

VMware vExpert 2020 - Present | VMware vExpert Cloud Management 2021 - Present

VMware vExpert 2020 - Present | VMware vExpert Cloud Management 2021 - Present


I am very proud to be part of the VMware vExpert program. This is the fourth year that I was accepted into the program. One part of the vExpert program that I think is great is that the program recognizes people for sharing their knowledge and “Giving Back”. A person selected into the vExpert programs is someone that likes to share, wants to make themselves and everyone around them smarter.

One of my goals as an VMware employee is to be able to give more back to the vCommunity than I was able to as an end user of the VMware Products.

2023 is also the 3rd year that I was accepted into the VMware vExpert Cloud Management subprogram.

What is the VMware vExpert Program?
Program Overview

The VMware vExpert program is VMware’s global evangelism and advocacy program. The program is designed to put VMware’s marketing resources towards your advocacy efforts. Promotion of your articles, exposure at our global events, co-op advertising, traffic analysis, and early access to beta programs and VMware’s roadmap. The awards are for individuals, not companies, and last for one year. Employees of both customers and partners can receive the awards. In the application, we consider various community activities from the previous year as well as the current year’s (only for 2nd half applications) activities in determining who gets awards. We look to see that not only were you active but are still active in the path you chose to apply for.


If you are interested in becoming a vExpert the criteria is simple. We are looking for IT Professionals who are sharing their VMware knowledge and contributing that back to the community. The term “giving back” is defined as going above and beyond your day job. There are several ways to share your knowledge and engage with the community. Some of those activities are blogging, book authoring, magazine articles, CloudCred task writing, active in Facebook groups, forum (VMTN as well as other non VMware) platforms, public speaking, VMUG leadership, videos and so on.


I have worked with a great group of people at VMware, past and present. I would like to thank everyone that has helped me on my journey called a career.

Location: Dillsburg, PA

“9 - 5 pays the bills, 5 - 10 advances your career”
